There are several reasons why your gums might bleed. In most cases, oral health-related issues cause it including poor oral hygiene, smoking, early stage gum disease (gingivitis), or moderate to severe gum diseases (periodontitis or trench mouth disease).

However, bleeding gums can be a symptom of other health conditions like diabetes, hormone changes (like in pregnancy), vitamin deficiency (like deficiency of Vitamins K and C), HIV/AIDS, stress, leukemia etc.

If you have bleeding gums that don’t improve within two weeks, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist. They can determine whether gum disease is the culprit.

How dentists can help improve your symptom

Depending on the underlying cause, the specialists will determine what treatment modality is best for you from a number of treatment options including use of antibiotics, deep dental cleaning, and instructions for you to maintain proper dental hygiene at home and some other appropriate dental surgical procedures where necessary.

How can you improve your symptoms at home?

Additionally, you can reduce your risk for bleeding gums when you make the habit of visiting your dentist regularly and by practicing proper dental hygiene at home.

However, if you have other health conditions which may be causing your bleeding gums, you cannot prevent them. It is important to have those health conditions checked and managed properly by your physician.

It can be a sudden shock to see blood in the sink when you brush your teeth. Bleeding gums can be a sign of an ongoing gum disease or maybe other general health conditions.

If your gums randomly bleed or bleed when you brush, don’t keep that important information from your dentist or physician. They can discover the cause of your symptoms and recommend the right treatment to get your teeth back in shape.

Need to speak to a dental specialist? Click HERE

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