Several times, in our interaction with patients dealing with tooth sensitivity: a lot of people have been led astray by adverts on dental products that claim to cure tooth sensitivity. Some people have been using these products for several years and anytime they stop using them the tooth sensitivity returns. This should not be. 

Tooth sensitivity can be treated based on the cause of the sensitivity. This is why visiting your dentist and getting a proper dental checkup done is so important in diagnosing and dealing with tooth sensitivity. You can schedule an appointment on our website TODAY.

A dental diagnosis is important to determine the cause of any tooth sensitivity you may be experiencing.

  • If the tooth sensitivity is as a result of a tooth decay or exposed roots, a dental filling will solve the sensitivity.
  • Tooth sensitivity arising from a chipped tooth, or a fractured or broken crown would most likely respond to a filling to cover the exposure; or in severe cases, a root canal treatment and a dental crown will be the best option.
  • In some cases, tooth sensitivity due to hypersensitive dentine (the 2nd layer of your tooth, remember?) can respond to specially formulated toothpastes for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes contain a mixture of compounds that help to block exposed nerve endings or the dentinal tubules, thus reducing the rate of stimulation or response to offending stimuli. Some mouthwashes are also formulated to help achieve this and deal with such types of sensitivity. Take a peek in our store to see very potent and effective products for sensitive teeth, like the Mira-sensitive toothpaste. It gives noticeable results within 2-3 days.
  • Other options we recommend include fluoride varnish for exposed roots, especially in elderly patients; desensitizing sessions (at least 3) based on application of desensitizing agent also proves effective in most cases.

A final note on tooth sensitivity: tooth sensitivity is mostly a symptom and not a disease. It is important to get professional advice of what the underlying issue is and get it treated, instead of just managing the symptom.

Feel free to share with us your experience (if you have had any) on tooth sensitivity or any questions you might have. We would love to hear from you.