Is There A Treatment For Tooth Sensitivity?

IS THERE A TREATMENT FOR TOOTH SENSITIVITY?  Several times, in our interaction…

How To Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

HOW TO PREVENT TOOTH SENSITIVITY?  Tooth sensitivity is usually a warning…

Why Your Teeth Gets Shocked

What You Didn't Know. Are you ‘shocked’ that your teeth get shocked when you…

KIDS TOO CAN BRUSH (Dr. Smyls feat. Perla)

Did you know that we were not born with mouth odor? Taking care of the teeth…

How to use a tongue cleaner

Say goodbye to mouth odor after you watch this video........ Learn the right…

Teach me how to brush Part 2

Are you tired of changing your toothpaste every month simply because you cannot…

Teach Me how to Brush Part 1(with Dr. Smyls)

Are you tired of changing your toothpaste every month simply because you cannot…


3 Signs you’re due for dental checkup No. 3 would leave you in shock.